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POSSIBLY My REAL Last Word On The Nikon 500PF -- Maybe . . . I Doubt It . . .

500PF + 1.4xTC = 700mm macro lens (matrix metering, overcast)

One year ago yesterday, May 10, 2019, I put up a blog post titled, "My Last Word On The Nikon 500PF." I'm sorry. I lied. I just can't stop talking about this incredible lens. And today I'm going to talk about something I discovered while shooting #backyardbirds during the lockdown, using my 500PF (sometimes with a Nikon AF-S Teleconverter TC-14E III attached, which gives the 500PF an effective focal length of 700mm) -- using a 500mm lens for macro work.

Yeah, you read that right -- a macro lens.

500PF + 1.4xTC = 700mm macro lens (highlight-weighted metering, direct sun)

As a matter of fact, both of the first two images of this post (of the same rosebud) were shot with the 500PF and the 1.4TC. 700mm worth of macro lens.

Being able to extend the reach by even a handful of millimeters can really ramp things up, especially when shooting small birds in one's backyard. I still end up having to crop, but not nearly as severely as without the 1.4TC. Of course, the images are just as tack sharp with the 1.4TC in place as they are without it.

500PF + 1.4xTC = 700mm

But it's finding out this great lens can do duty as a macro lens that I find even more interesting.

And there's nothing to it. I see something I want an image of, so I shoot it.

500mm PF lens
500mm PF lens.

Try shooting some macro with you 500PF. Throw in a 1.4xTC for good measure. See what you get. Bet you like it. All of these images were shot with my Nikon D810.


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Oklahoma Freelance Photographer
©2024 Don Risi

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Don Risi Photography
Oklahoma City 

Based in Oklahoma City, I am able to travel anywhere
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continental United States.

Using Nikon Cameras, Lenses & Speedlights exclusively since 1979.
Proud member of Nikon Professional Services

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